This course will significantly expand your repertoire as a practitioner of medieval sword-and-buckler fencing. More importantly, it will equip you to train and apply a conceptual approach rooted in I.33’s original martial idea of schutzen—the act of covering and protecting.

The course contains 78 videos, arranged in a clear, comprehensive curriculum. Expect precise demonstrations, multi-angle footage (including unique first-person perspectives), and expert analysis informed by over two decades of research and martial practice.

This course is for you...

  • if you want to take your sword-and-buckler fighting to the next level
  • if you want to deepen your understanding of MS I.33 and improve your skills
  • if you are a scholar, and want to add a fresh perspective to your fechtbuch study
  • if you are a martial arts instructor, and want to add I.33 to your school’s curriculum
  • if you are an author or director, and want to add depth to your fight sequences

Stefan von Bischoffshausen says:

Thanks to these teachings, I was soon able to hold my ground and effortlessly resist most of those brutish attacks and advances, even attacking and hitting during the tempos created by them.

In turn, this finally helped my friends notice the mistakes they were making (which we had discussed before, but without a clear way to fix them) and correct them immediately.

Mike Allan says:

Thanks for putting together this wonderful course! I have only been watching and rewatching the first few videos and I can already tell it's excellent.

Sebastiaan Pollet says:

I am amazed by the amount of detail that you have put into this course. You managed to deliver tons of information in a very clear way that leaves you wanting for more.

The fact you try and adhere to martial principles with every single movement and technique only adds to my appreciation and respect for all the work and knowledge you have gathered in that course.

Course Curriculum

  Getting started
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Adopting schutzen
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thrusting against an idle fighter in second or third ward
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Counterbinding from schutzen against third ward
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Counterbinding from schutzen against second ward
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pushing down the sword & performing the durchtritt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Countering the two blows and the durchtritt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  A stichschlag & the second ward fighter's options
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Spatial planning—A conceptual approach to fencing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Practice: Designing partner lessons
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus course: Counterbound—How to break free & reclaim control
Available in days
days after you enroll

After enrolling, you have unlimited and lifetime access, across any and all devices you own.

Choose a Pricing Option:

Your Instructors

Roland Warzecha and Cornelius Berthold are experts for historical swordsmanship of world renown. They have studied period manuscripts, and examined the associated weaponry in collections. Their work is supported by international scholars and museums, and they have repeatedly lectured at specialist conferences. As longterm martial artists, they have taught sword fighting all around the globe.
Learn more about Roland’s work on his website.
Find Cornelius’ bio on the Dimicator Schola website.