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Schutzen—Fighting with Sword & Buckler 2
Getting started
About this course (1:58)
Training preparation (1:31)
Introduction to the source material (3:41)
Why initial cuts at the opponent are pointless (2:55)
How to safely enter with a cut (5:24)
Terminology: What is an obsessio? (1:12)
Where and when to adopt an obsessio (1:26)
How to enter a fight (1:07)
Terminology: What is schutzen? (3:12)
Adopting schutzen
How to adopt schutzen on the left and on the right (6:10)
Reading the images in I.33 (2:55)
Establishing a stable structure (2:38)
Blade alignment in schutzen (2:56)
Withstanding and intercepting an opposing blow (2:33)
A catch-22 situation for the opponent (1:51)
Thrusting against an idle fighter in second or third ward
When and how to enter with a thrust (6:09)
How to thrust from schutzen at a hesitating opponent in second ward (4:39)
How to thrust from schutzen at a hesitating opponent in third ward (6:13)
A final remark on thrusting (1:09)
Counterbinding from schutzen against third ward
How to deal with cuts against your schutzen (1:31)
Options from a right counterbind after schutzen against third ward (2:15)
Recap 1: Thrusting from a counterbind on the right side (4:10)
Recap 2: Evading the opposing shield when they defend (3:04)
Recap 3: A shield-strike plus twerhau (4:28)
Recap 4: Options for the counterbound fighter (4:41)
Wrestling from schutzen against third ward (8:05)
Counterbinding from schutzen against second ward
The relevance of the plays of second ward (1:38)
Three options—What the book recommends after binding (3:02)
A basic action: Thrusting from a left counterbind (5:18)
The priest's blow (6:33)
The common blow (3:49)
Pushing down the sword & performing the durchtritt
What the manuscript suggests (3:08)
How to perform the durchtritt (11:38)
Countering the two blows and the durchtritt
Countering the blows on the left & on the right (9:55)
Countering the durchtritt (5:28)
A stichschlag & the second ward fighter's options
A stichschlag/thrust-strike as a follow-up to the durchtritt (7:17)
Facing schutzen—The second ward fighter's perspective (3:38)
Spatial planning—A conceptual approach to fencing
Preemptive defense by closing lines of attack (2:44)
The protective cone (11:42)
Left-hander against right-hander (9:21)
Practice: Designing partner lessons
A training example (7:34)
Bonus course: Counterbound—How to break free & reclaim control
Introduction (1:31)
Defining the problem (2:19)
Prevention: Act in time! (2:00)
Buy yourself time—Retreat! (2:19)
Using the tempo of the opponent's advance (3:22)
How to counter their counter (6:40)
Subdividing a weapon tempo (5:53)
Ready to counter in time (4:23)
Summing up (5:00)
Teach online with
A final remark on thrusting
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